" blame evolution for this unsettling conflict between me the world works in the way we wish it would work. The fear of death, combined with a novel ability to envision the future, enabled humanist outcompete other species. But that combination also makes us unable to believe that what we see around us is all there is. Our brains got too big to think about the world and the other way ... It looks like we came out with the most versatile brain, which could throw, catch, and hit balls-and invent the rules of games involving balls, better than they could. It looks like the same brains gave us the ability to wonder about our place in the scheme of things, and that let us to science, and then let us to the discovery of the ocean. We are products of illusion and as such, we can't believe it's all over, when it's all over. It is a great irony of the evolution of the human brain: our strength is also for weakness. Our asset is our liability..."
taken from bill nyes book undeniable, page 179-180.